Educators make thousands of decisions and encounter and experience varied emotions at work; without an efficient wellness routine, educators' jobs can result in prolonged stress. In Educator Wellness: A Guide for Sustaining Physical, Mental, Emotional, and Social Well-Being, authors Timothy D. Kanold and Tina H. Boogren provide a framework to guide and support K-12 educators in continuously sustaining personal and collective wellness plans.
This innovative, technology-based resource provides those who teach gifted and advanced learners in grades 5-8 with quality, research-based, online lessons, tools, and insights. This must-have guidebook: Offers ready-to-implement virtual lessons, simulations, and learning modules. Explains how teachers can create, develop, differentiate, and modify existing lessons through an online platform. Includes additional helpful strategies addressing online student accountability, etiquette, and collaboration. Shares useful tips for communicating with parents. Empowers middle school teachers with practical tools and applications proven successful with gifted and advanced learners.
No matter how much you want to teach and no matter how well prepared you are, beginning teaching is tough. A teacher's work is never done; even when you work hard, there is always something more you could do. Become the Primary Teacher Everyone Wants to Have tells you what teaching is really like. As you set out on your teaching career, this book offers thoughtful and sensible support from an experienced and sympathetic teacher. Whether you read the book through from cover to cover or dip into sections you need at particular times, each page has suggestions and ideas to help you lay a solid foundation for a fruitful and fulfilling career in teaching.
What to Expect When You're Expected to Teach Gifted Studentsis a practical, easy-to-read guide that: Reviews expectations versus likely classroom realities that first-time gifted teachers may face. Includes real-world advice for navigating the joys, surprises, and frustrations. Addresses specific topics related to gifted education, including students' social-emotional needs. Includes considerations for choosing appropriate curricular materials and working with parents and families. Features ways to advocate for gifted and advanced programming and tips for continued professional learning.
We Belong offers 50 targeted strategies to increase students' sense of belonging and reinforce the habits that support classroom harmony and learning success.
7 Ways to Transform the Lives of Wounded Students provides a wealth of strategies and ideas for teachers and principals who work with wounded students--those who are beyond the point of "at-risk" and have experienced trauma in their lives. Sharing stories and examples from real schools and students, this inspirational book examines the seven key strategies necessary for changing school culture to transform the lives of individual students. Recognizing the power of effective leadership and empathy in creating a sense of community and safety for wounded students,
This practical resource helps school staff to reframe behaviour as a means of communicating a need, ensuring they can sensitively and effectively support children with a range of Social, Emotional and Mental Health (SEMH) needs and Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND). With case studies and examples woven throughout, the book focuses on relational and strength-based approaches to improve mental health and wellbeing, self-esteem, sense of safety and, in turn, behaviour and educational outcomes.
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