After working in the field of early childhood education extensively, Jill McFarren Avilés and Erika Amadee Flores concluded that coaching educators from a holistic, culturally responsive, and strength-based perspective are three of the most powerful tools that will enhance the lives of young children and their families and contribute to equity in early childhood settings.
In this book Mona Sakr shows the need to consider how particular dimensions of the art-making process are changed by the use of digital technologies and what can be done by parents, practitioners and designers to enable children to adopt playful and creative practices in their interactions with digital technologies.
Resisting the Kinder-Race examines how the race came about, why it must change, and how all stakeholders in the early childhood and elementary school communities must take part in the reform process.
Filled with colorful photographs taken in real early childhood settings, this book will guide you step-by-step in making a makerspace that invites young children to boldly explore materials and create something only they can imagine.
Guided Math Lessons in Kindergarten provides detailed lessons to help you bring guided math groups to life. Based on the bestselling Guided Math in Action, this practical book offers 16 lessons, taught in a round of three--concrete, pictorial and abstract
. Teach Smarter: Literacy Strategies for Early Childhood Teachers will equip teachers to infuse every aspect of their teaching with exciting hands-on literacy teaching methods that engage students and help them build authentic connections with books, so that 100% of their students will have a strong literacy foundation and will be fully prepared for success in kindergarten and beyond.
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