This guide has resources about refugees and immigrants and research about culturally diverse classrooms. Teachers will find advice for building school community and practical resources for the classroom.
Understanding Your Refugee and Immigrant Students is an excellent resource for educators who work with refugees and immigrants. This well-researched volume-including interviews with students from the profiled countries-provides a wealth of information about the specific schooling traditions, practices, circumstances, and expectations that follow these individuals to their new homes in North America and influence their learning experience.
Trauma affects the lives of many children who we teach in school. Teachers and administrators have great potential to set up an environment and adopt an attitude that can help heal the trauma in the lives of their students. Trauma informed schools means that all students can feel safe enough to learn, succeed academically and thrive after having undergone a traumatic event.
Immigrant Youth in Canada is designed to help students gain a better understanding of the complexities, challenges, and opportunities of the immigrant and second-generation youth experience in Canada. Thirty-five Canadian researchers and practitioners offer strategies to respond to thechallenges immigrant youth face, and explore ways to recognize the assets these youth bring to Canadian society.
Helping Immigrant Children Succeed examines current research on the educational development of immigrant children and the unique challenges that they, their parents, and their teachers face.
Islam Explained offers an informative overview of the faith, helping those who are new to Islam foster cultural awareness while also providing those already familiar with it the opportunity to deepen their understanding.
.The text features narrative portraits of six immigrant families and their children with disabilities, including their cultural histories and personal perspectives regarding assessment, diagnosis, Individualized Education Program (IEP) meetings, and other instances in which families engaged with the special education process.
This book is a road map for teachers and school leaders who need to meet the needs of increasing numbers of Newcomers and other English Learners (ELs).