Improve your bullet journals, to-do lists, class notes, and everything in between with The Art of Visual Notetaking and its unique approach to taking notes in the twenty-first century.
This notebook offers lessons and practice on how to take what you hear and turn it into something you'll remember and maybe even use.
In How to Sketchnote, Duckworth explains how you can use sketchnoting in the classroom and that you don't have to be an artist to discover the benefits of doodling Sketchnoting allows students to see the bigger picture in the concepts they are studying, make connections in their learning, and display their learning process--and all of that leads to better retention.
Sketchnoting, also known as visual notetaking, helps make your thinking visible, visual, and meaningful. By introducing sketchnoting in your classroom, your students with engage with and explore their thinking with what they are absorbing. Ink & Ideas is Tanny's tried and true toolkit to get you and your students started, including templates, tools, suggested reading, ideas, inspiration, and more.
Sylvia Duckworth's drawings provide clarity and provoke dialogue on many topics related to education. This book contains 100 of her most popular sketchnotes with links to the original downloads that can be used in class or shared with colleagues. Interspersed throughout the book are .
The Sketchnote Workbook, the follow-up to The Sketchnote Handbook, shows students how to take the basic sketchnoting skills they learned in the Handbook and use them in new and fun ways. Students don't need to know how to draw to sketchnote. Mike gives them a quick recap of how to use five simple shapes and basic lettering techniques to create visual notes that they'll want to share with their friends.
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