In addition to a description of the different types of bullying and Alberta's Bullying Prevention Strategy, there is a link to additional bullying information, including the nature of bullying, prevention initiatives, and interventions.
Educators and parents can read and download tip sheets with hints and advice about some of the most common challenges (bullying, suicide, emotional health, online safety) facing young people today.
This tip sheet offers great advice for those who are witnesses to bullying. "When you see or hear bad things happening online, you have a lot of power to make things better – or worse."
PREVNet has many resources on their site, including bullying statistics and facts and myths about bullying. Both the Resources tab and the Bullying tab have resources for educators.
This organization focuses on reducing and preventing bullying, cyberbullying, sexting and other digital abuse, educating against homophobia, racism and hatred, and promoting healthy schools and communities.