This edited-collection offers insights into the myriad ways both Indigenous and non-Indigenous educators are enacting Indigenous education in a variety of settings-in classrooms, on the land, in ceremony, with community, and more. The chapters are exemplars of the urgent work being done to decenter longstanding colonial narratives and to honour Indigenous Knowledges.
Grounded in the First Peoples Principles of Learning, this comprehensive guide builds on Chrona's own experiences in British Columbia's education system to explore how to shape anti-racist and equitable education systems for all. Perfect for reading on your own or with your professional learning community!
In 1867, Canada’s federal government became responsible for the education of Indigenous peoples…this system set the stage for decades of broken promises and misguided experiments that are only now being rectified in the spirit of truth and reconciliation. The contributors individually explore what must change in order to work toward reconciliation; collectively, they reveal the possibilities and challenges associated with incorporating Traditional Knowledge and Indigenous teaching and healing practices into school courses and programs.
In this book, author Pamela Toulouse provides current information, personal insights, authentic resources, interactive strategies and lesson plans that support Indigenous and non-Indigenous learners in the classroom. This book is for all teachers that are looking for ways to respectfully infuse residential school history, treaty education, Indigenous contributions, First Nation/Métis/Inuit perspectives and sacred circle teachings into their subjects and courses. The author presents a culturally relevant and holistic approach that facilitates relationship building and promotes ways to engage in reconciliation activities.
[This] book surveys a range of educational issues, including implementation of Indigenous curriculum, teachers' attempts to support Indigenous students in their classrooms, and efforts to claim physical and cultural space.
After tracing settlers’ sense of group superiority and entitlement to historical and ongoing colonial processes, Denis illustrates how contemporary Indigenous and settler residents think about and relate to one another…and concludes that genuine reconciliation will require radically restructuring Canadian society and perpetually fulfilling treaty responsibilities.
A collection of stories, inspired by a wealth of experiences across space and time from a kokum, an auntie, two-spirit parents, a Metis mother, a Tlinglit/Anishnabe Metis mother and an allied feminist mother.
© 2020 The Alberta Teachers’ Association