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Computer Science (Coding)

Resources for educators about computer science, including the history of computers and coding sites for students.

Featured Books from Your ATA Library

Code to Joy

With humor and teacherly guidance, Code to Joy brings into view a future where programming is like reading--something everyone can learn.


The classic guide to how computers work. Code is a book that is as much about Systems Thinking and abstractions as it is about code and programming.

Beyond Coding

This book shows why children should be taught coding not as a technical skill but as a new literacy—a way to express themselves and engage with the world. Presenting code as a universal language, the author shows how children discover new ways of thinking, relating, and behaving through creative coding activities. 

Guide to Teaching Computer Science

This concise yet thorough textbook presents an active-learning model for the teaching of computer science.

Computational Thinking in Education

This book offers a comprehensive overview of computational thinking, its history, implications for equity and inclusion, analyses of competencies in practice, and integration into learning, instruction, and assessment through scaffolded teacher education.

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