The manual is full of detailed, easy-to-follow lesson plans that include everything you need to implement each and every step. The lessons align with our continuous scope and sequence, designed to ensure that students systematically acquire each skill needed and learn to apply each skill with automaticity and confidence.
This practitioner-friendly text provides instructional materials, sample dialogues, and assessment tools to facilitate academic language use in PreK-3 classrooms.
Aimed at educators working with students in grades 6-12, Authentic Literacy Instruction: Empowering Secondary Students to Become Lifelong Readers, Writers, and Communicators informs readers of the benefits of an authentic literacy approach, guides readers in implementing effective classroom practices that center on the individual needs of learners, and enables readers to grow their expertise and model lifelong reading and writing behaviors.
Words Their Way is a developmental approach to phonics, vocabulary, and spelling instruction. Guided by an informed interpretation of spelling errors and other literacy behaviors.
In this refreshingly clear and upbeat guide, literacy consultant Nancy Boyles gives a step-by-step demonstration of how to help students achieve success with this task-and in the process of unpacking the steps involved, demonstrates how the instruction can inspire teachers' creativity as well as deepen students' literacy skills.
A powerful tool to jumpstart writing In The Quickwrite Handbook, master teacher Linda Rief shares 100 compelling mentor texts and shows how to use each one as a powerful tool for sparking successful writing.
In this book, a master teacher offers a complete guide to a sentence-level approach. Helping students recognize the techniques that make sentences great is the first step, and there are plenty of examples here from YA novels,
Humor in the Classroom encourages educational researchers and language teachers to take a fresh look at the workings of humor in todays linguistically diverse classrooms and makes the argument for its role in building a stronger foundation for studies of classroom discourse, theories of additional language development, and approaches to language pedagogy.
Troy Hicks and Andy Schoenborn initiate a collaborative conversation about instructional decision- making that works to encourage the growth of students as confident writers.
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