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Games and Gamification

This guide for teachers has materials related to educational games and gamification. Featured books and games can be borrowed from your ATA Library

Classroom Game Kits Available Through Your ATA Library

All games listed below can be borrowed from your ATA Library.  Click the bold link to find the item in our library catalogue and request it.  

Agriculture Games Box (Grades 5+) 
Kit includes: Agricola, The Farming Game, My Farm Shop, Stardew Valley

Game board and pieces arranged in front of the yellow game box      Game board and pieces set up in front of the green game box.   This board game box features a cartoon young woman wearing an apron and standing in front of a food cart full of eggsBlue game box with a pastoral scene on it.  

Agriculture Games Box (Grades 10-12)  New

Game box featuring a woman in a scarf harvesting grapesGame box featuring a rolling landscape made out of cheese          Game box featuring corn, pumpkins, and beans growing together

Biology Games Box (Grades 7-12)   
Kit includes: Cytosis, Cellulose, Evolution Another World, Genotype, and Keystone North America

game box with close up view of the structures in a plant cellgame box with a close view of cell structures in an animal cellgame box with glowing lizzard smilinggame box with image notebook and peas in podsgame box with images of otter, bee, grizzly bear, and arctic fox

Canadian History Games Box (Grades 3-8)   
Contains: Explore Canada, Professor Noggin History of Canada, Hide & Seek, Canadian Trivia Family Edition

Red game box with images of Canadian scenesRed game box with image of game boardRed game box with Professor Noggin holding a Canadian FlagWhite game box with a globe featuring Canada in the centre.

Chemistry Games Box (Grades 7-12)   

Kit includes:  Chemistry Fluxx, Compounded, Lab Notes, Periodic, Subatomic
game box with images of a beaker, test tube and bunsen burnerboring orange game box with blue fontGame box with exploding dice featured on the box with an image of the periodic tablegame box with a close up image of an atom

Communication & Cooperation Games Box (Grades 4-6)   
Kit includes: Codenames Harry Potter; Hocus Pocus; Paint the Roses; and Race to the Raft

game box with shadows of the Harry Potter cast and castleGame box with game pieces spread out around itGame box with an image of a purple cat sitting in a rose treeGame box with an image of blue cat sitting on an island surrounded by fish

Energy Games Box (Grades 6+)  New
Includes Catan New Energies; Future Energy; Power Grid Factory Manager; Power Grid Recharged Edition

Games box -- a road leads to a blue city and a sun rise appears behind the city. A coastline with solar panels on the land and wind mills on the water        A man with tidy short black hair and a brown suit jacket overlooks a factory floor        A male scientist in a lab coat adjusts dials on a machine panel

Introduction to Chess Box (K-3)  New   
Includes: Storytime Chess, Storytime Chess Level 2, and Storytime Chess Level 3

Cartoon characters of two kings on the game box      A dragon and a one-eyed queen are featured on this game box      cartoon characters run amuck on this game box

Math Skills Games Box (Grades 3-5)  
Kit Includes: Adsumudi, Double Digits, Math Fluxx, Mobi, Proof!, and Tri-Facta Multiplication and Division
Colourful game box with pink monsters peeking out. A blue bames box featuring game piecesWhite game box with numbers scattered on the front in every colour of the rainbowA blue whale carrying case for this game sits beside blue and white math tiles  Wizard in light blue robe is featured on the navy blue games box  The game board and game pieces are in play in front of the green triangular games box

Math Skills Games Box (Grades 5-8) 
Kit includes: Adsumudi, Mathopoly, Proof!, Prime Climb, Qwixx, and Yahtzee

Brightly coloured game box with monster on the frontGame box and game board  Black game boxGame box Game box with dice and score card.Game box, score cards, dice, and cup for rolling dice.


Physics Games Box (Grades 7 - 12)    
Includes: Cat in the Box, Hamsterrolle, and Quirky Quarks 
A black cartoon cat with huge eyes climbs out of the games box  A yellow hamster wheel with brightly coloured pieces balanced at the bottom of the wheel is featured on this blue games box  Strange coloured bubbles with lights in them are featured on the black games box.

Reading & Spelling Games Box (Grades K-3)  
Kit includes: Bananagrams, Pop for Blends, Pop for Sight Words, Pop for Sight Words 2, Sight Words Game, and Word for Word.

A cloth bag shaped like a banana.  The bag has alphabetic tiles spilling out.A popcorn box with game pieces shaped like popcornTwp popcorn boxes with game pieces shaped like popcorn4 flyswatters, many colourful word tiles shaped like bugs, sight word listsOpen game box with colourful word tiles inside.  Next to the box is a egg timer and a scorecard.

Social Studies Games Box (Grades 7-12)     
Includes: Catan, Catan Dice Game, Catan Starfarers, High Treason, Horizons of Spirit Island, and Spirit Island

Game box and game boardGame boxBack of game box with game board and pieces showing  Louis Riel is encircled by a noose   A molten dragon rises out of lush island greenery on this games box  Game box with images of masked spirits rising out of an island

Social Studies Games Box (Grade 8)  
Includes: Floating World, Imperial Settlers: Empires of the North, Samurai Battles, and Struggle for Catan

Game box with a tsunami image  Game box featuring images of Vikings, Inuit, and Scots people.Game box with a armed samurai Game box with images of masked spirits rising out of an islandOrange box with playing cards in front of it.

Social Studies Games Box (Grades 10 - 12)  New

Includes: Colonialism, Exoworld Survival, and Hegemony:Lead Your Class to Victory
A black game box with shackles on the front Game box with five characters in front of a mountain that has a strange pink moon behind it.The sky is ominously dark.A black game box a street crowded with protesters with a disinterested man walks in a fenced area behind them.

Spelling Games Box (Grades 4-9)  
Includes: Dabble, Double Bananagrams, A Little Wordy, Snippets, and Upwords

Game box with tiles and timer in the foregroundGame bag with tile spilling outGame box, tokens, and cardsGame box, pieces, and score sheetsGame box

Strategic & Critical Thinking Skills Games Box (Grades 3-6) 
Kit includes: Battleship, Blokus, Connect 4, Ctrl, Kanoodle Head to Head, Taco vs Burrito, and UNO

Battleship player board with game piecesBlokus board game with brightly coloured game piecesGame grid with game pieces inserted. Black game box with pastel coloured cubes on it.Game box, two player puzzle board with brightly coloured puzzle pieces.Game box with a cartoon taco and burrito on the front.Game box and brightly coloured UNO cards

Strategic Thinking Games Box (Grades 5-7)   
Includes Minecraft Builders & Biomes, Minecraft Portal Dash, Project L, Castle Rampage, and Jenga
Game box with cards, gaming pieces, boards in the foregroundGame box with cards, gaming pieces, boards in the foregroundGame boxGame box with cards, gaming pieces, boards in the foregroundTower created by Jenga pieces sits next to the Jenga game box.


Strategic Thinking Games Box (Grades 7-12)
Includes: 7 Wonders, Chess, Mancala, Qwirkle, and Ticket to Ride 

Game Box Chess board with pieces in place for the start of a game   Mancala board with game piecesGame boxGame box

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