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A guide of assessment resources for teachers

Featured Books Available in Your ATA Library

The Teacher Toolkit Guide to Feedback

This book includes strategies for three types of effective feedback and formative assessment: verbal, non-verbal, and written -- providing teachers with an invaluable resource to improve pupils' active learning and further their understanding.

Classroom Assessment Essentials

In this book, you will learn the foundational concepts and practical skills necessary to be successful with classroom assessment.

A Linguistically Inclusive Approach to Grading Writing

This guide models a research-based, linguistically inclusive approach to grading writing so that you can incorporate inclusive assessment and feedback into your everyday practice.

Authentic Assessment in Action

Authentic Assessment in Action is designed to empower educators to provide highly impactful, consistently engaging, and unquestionably applicable learning opportunities for students.

Grading for Growth

Recognizing that traditional grading penalizes students in the learning process by depriving them of the formative feedback that is fundamental to improvement, this book offers alternative strategies that encourage revision and growth.

Assessment in Action

This practical book on assessment and feedback offers hands-on tools to help students track, document, and articulate their learning. These tools are designed to inform reflection and encourage conversation, so students can become active participants in the learning process

Student Assessment

This book offers a new assessment model focused on decision-driven data collection and provides tools for collecting better evidence to increase student learning.

Student-Led Assessment

The single greatest authority on student learning is the student doing the learning -- but the right structures must be in place for students' voices to be clearly heard and truly valued. This book provides the tools needed to help students compile and present evidence of learning through portfolios and student-led conferences.

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