Adding and subtracting integers can be as confusing as a confundus charm! But with some will power you can throw that charm off and you can master integers!
In this video, students will see how negative numbers are applied to temperature. They'll also see how to apply changes to temperature on thermometers (it's addition and subtraction but don't tell them!)
Behold, a centuries-old math trick that uses a lattice grid to multiply two-digit numbers. The mystery is straight and simple. It's not magic... it's math!
Ratios are about comparing two numbers through division -- which sounds weird and confusing. If you watch this video though, you'll be well on your way to understanding ratios!
Resources and lesson plans from Blackgold school district that are focused on number operations. If you click the links, there is a sign-in prompt -- but you can bypass the sign-in by clicking the image instead
Resources and lesson plans from Blackgold school district that are focused on number patterns. If you click the links, there is a sign-in prompt -- but you can bypass the sign-in by clicking the image instead