This video explains what rotational symmetry is and how to find the order of rotational symmetry of a shape. Practice questions and answers are at the end of the video.
In this video, you'll learn that symmetry has a lot to do with cutting shapes in half. With some shapes you can only have one line of symmetry but other shapes have more. Why?
On this lesson on lines of symmetry, you will learn about reflection symmetry, vertical line symmetry, horizontal line symmetry, and examples of line symmetry.
A parallelogram is like a rectangle that's been nudged over. You know how to find the area of a rectangle... length x width. It's not that different from finding the area of a parallelogram.
The area of a parallelogram is base x height. In this video we are given the area of the parallelogram and the height. What will be the base? We will take the area and divide it by the height. And this will give us the base.
Whether you're just starting out, or need a quick refresher, this is the video for you if you're looking for how to find the area of a composite rectangle.
When we determine the area of a composite shape made of rectangles, we separate the shapes first. Guess what we do with composite shapes made up of one or more triangles?
Today, we'll learn that volume is a characteristic of all 3D objects. We'll learn how to determine the volume or space in 3 dimensions that an object takes up.
This video explains WHY there are only three regular polygons that tessellate on their own. It demonstrates visually and mathematically that only triangles, squares, and hexagons will be the only regular polygons to tessellate.
This document provides teachers with sample instructional activities, assessments, and resources to support teaching Math – Grade 6 – Coordinate Geometry.
Resources and lesson plans from Blackgold school district that are focused on measuring and classifying angles. If you click the links, there is a sign-in prompt -- but you can bypass the sign-in by clicking the image instead
Pentominoies are shapes made by joining five squares together. There are 12 of them in total, and they can be used for various geometry and interdisciplinary art activities in math.