This tablet-friendly game has a variety of levels. Students find the correct number in a sequence; count forwards or back, count in whole numbers, multiples of 10, multiples of 100, decimals and fractions.
An algorithm is a method of solving problems both big and small. Though computers run algorithms constantly, humans can also solve problems with algorithms.
The Fibonacci sequence is a series of numbers in which a given number is the addition of the two numbers before it. So, if you start with 0, the next number will be 1, followed by 1, followed by 2, followed by 3 and so on.
Behold, a centuries-old math trick that uses a lattice grid to multiply two-digit numbers. The mystery is straight and simple. It's not magic... it's math!
Learn all about multi-digit multiplication in this video. It might seem a bit scary because the numbers are so big, but if you know how to multiply single digits, you'll learn this easily.
Many teachers will know that some students just don't GET putting the tens digit up top. They experience number dissociation - they lose the plot that this tens digit belongs with this ones digit. If this is all too familiar to you, your students will be relieved by this method.
Students learn to put the tens digit up-top. Build a ton of confidence with that too, so students are in excellent shape for moving on to the standard algorithm for long multiplication.
This video tells the story of physicist Enrico Fermi, who was very good at making fast estimations of big number problems. Learn how he used the power of 10 to make reasonable estimates of large numbers (like how many piano tuners in the city of Chicago).
Ratios are about comparing two numbers through division -- which sounds weird and confusing. If you watch this video though, you'll be well on your way to understanding ratios!
Resources and lesson plans from Blackgold school district that are focused on number patterns. If you click the links, there is a sign-in prompt -- but you can bypass the sign-in by clicking the image instead and will be able to access all the Google slides associated with that image
Using a football game video clip and activity, students can explore combined percentages representing the number of completed passes for games 1 and 2 of a football season.