When you're working with fractions, being able to change them from mixed numbers to improper fractions and back again is one of the most important things to learn. Pay close attention to this video to become a fractions champ!
Have you ever wondered how to compare two mixed numbers with different denominators? Probably not! But I bet you want to learn now that I've mentioned it. Shhhhh... It's a secret!
To compare mixed numbers with improper fractions, you're going to need to put on your thinking cap and think hard. This video will show you the steps you need to think through to compare these numbers
Math Antics (who made this video) suggest watching it to learn how to add fractions *after* you learn to multiply them. So what this video after you watch the multiplying fractions video.
Does adding fractions sound like scary math to you? It sounds scary, but it's really not. Adding fractions with common denominators is pretty easy. Check it out!
So adding fractions with common denominators makes a lot of sense but what happens when you have different denominators. Well, you have to shake things up first...
Okay, you know how to add fractions now... but what do you do if your teacher asks you to add mixed numbers? Run! No!!! Watch this video instead and impress your teacher with your savvy adding skills
Learn change two fractions with different denominators into two fractions with the same denominator. It's easier than defeating a dementor at Hogwarts! See it here!
Math Antics (the people who made this video) think that the best way to learn about adding fractions is to learn about multiplying them first. So watch this video before you start adding fractions.
Did you learn how to add fractions earlier this year but now when you see them you can't remember a thing? Here's a quick review to remind you of what you forgot!
Want to learn to do really tremendously hard addition with fractions? You'll be a math rock star if you can do it! First make a plan... ALWAYS have a great plan, especially when it comes to fractions!
Subtracting mix numbers sounds as hard as taking potions class with Professor Snape. Well, at least you won't blow up! Learn the secrets of mixed numbers here!
In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore various ways to represent decimal place value using models. From breaking down wholes into tenths to understanding hundredths and beyond
Learn all about decimal place value as we journey to the right side of that all important point which separates digits that represent whole numbers from digits that represent decimal numbers
This video demonstrates a fantastic game to learn decimal place values! This game can easily be adapted to suit the needs of a large variety of students
We can begin by reviewing the concept of ones, tens, and hundreds places, and then demonstrates how tenths, hundredths, and thousandths places work. By understanding place value, we can interpret the meaning of each digit in a decimal number.
Here you will find a range of Fifth Grade Column Addition Worksheets involving decimal numbers, which will help your students to learn to add a range of decimals with up to 3 decimal places together.
On this page, teachers will find FREE Decimal worksheets on a variety of topics including comparing and sorting decimals, adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing decimals, and converting decimals to other number formats.