Learn about Batoche. Click on 1885 and choose a host to guide you through the 1885 Metis settlement in Batoche. Explore all areas of the town, play games and pick up some useful facts along the way.
The Canadian Encyclopedia provides a timeline of the life of Métis leader Louis Riel. Scroll to the right or use your mouse's trackball to find events and related resources.
Learn about the system of scrip — referred to as Métis (or “half-breed”) scrip — that issued documents redeemable for land or money. This article describes the challenges of the system and the claims that persisted over the years.
Often referred to as the Father of Manitoba, Louis Riel, the leader of the Métis people of the Canadian Prairies, sought to preserve Métis rights and culture during a turbulent time in Canadian history.
This website is an archive of traditional Métis history and culture. The site contains many primary documents – oral history interviews, photographs and various archival documents – in visual, audio and video files.