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Spring (March 20 or 21)
Videos and Interactives
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Spring (March 20 or 21)
This guide contains classroom activities and resources about spring
Animals in Spring
Plants in Spring
Signs of Spring
Spring Equinox
Teaching Resources
Videos and Interactives
Videos and Interactives
All About the Holidays: The Four Seasons
Why do we have seasons? Learn more about how the tilt of the earth gives us seasons and how different parts of the world experience seasonal change.
Grow a Flower
It's your turn to grow a flower. Choose a flower from the garden shop; if you do everything in the right order, your beautiful flower will grow.
Little Seeds
Enjoy this animated poem about little seeds and the growing season.
TED: Phenology and Nature's Shifting Rhythms
Here is a TED video about phenology (the seasonal cycle of plants and animals) and how climate change is having ripple effects in nature.
TED: Reasons for the Seasons
Learn how the shape of the Earth's orbit around the Sun and the Earth's tilt on its axis affect the amount of sunlight we get in winter and summer.
Why Are There Seasons?
Do you know why we have seasons? This YouTube video from SciShow Kids explains how the tilt of our Earth in space makes our seasons.
Winter, Winter, Spring
This online book has fun illustrations about winter and spring activities as well as audio for early readers.
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