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Social Studies 20: Internationalism
This resource guide is for teachers who are working with the Social 20 curriculum in Alberta.
What is Nationalism?
Evolution of Nationalism in Europe
Evolution of Nationalism: 2 World Wars
Self-Determination and Nationalism
Canadian National Identity
1 Supranationalism
Learn about supranationalism in this video created by an Alberta teacher.
Johan Galtung's Negative and Positive Peace
What does it mean to have peace? Is it just the absence of violence? Or is it something else?
A Pale Blue Dot
Carl Sagan wrote a book about space exploration after seeing a picture of the earth from across the solar system.
Thinking Internationally
Explore our changing world using the best statistics on health, income, environment and much more.
Global Flow of People
The global bilateral migration flows estimated from sequential stock data in 5-year intervals.
Levels of Analysis in Global Politics
Using climate change as an example, we analyse political issues at the global, international, regional, national, local and community levels.
Podcast: Armchair Expert 219 Jeffrey Sachs
Jeff chats with the Armchair Expert about his career in international economics. **Warning: Some explicit language.
The Refugee Crisis is a Test of Our Character
A talk about our collective and personal responsibility to help refugees.
TED: What does it mean to be a refugee?
Learn about Internally Displaced Persons and what it really means to be a refugee.
Water Conflict
The Pacific Institute's project to track and categorize events related to water and conflict
Water Stress: A Global Problem That’s Getting Worse
Learn how water stress affects international relationships between countries.
What is Realism in Global Politics?
This video explains the theory of Realism that believes state power is of the utmost importance.
United Nations
7 UN Security Council Resolutions You Should Know - 2010-2020
The UN Security Council authorizes international actions but is under fire for its inability to enforce resolutions
The Importance of Internationalism
Internationalism and how it works with and is affected by globalization.
International Institute for Sustainable Development: Gender Equality
Several articles address gender issues in sustainable development decision-making processes.
A Message to Model UNs from the Real UN: Consensus
Did you know that many Model UNs don’t follow actual UN procedures?
Model United Nations
This academic simulation of the UN lets students play the role of delegates from different countries and attempt to solve international issues.
The Resource Guide for Organizing Model UN Conferences
This guide helps organizers and students taking part in Model UN conferences
Upholding International Law
Read about the United Nations' mandate to uphold international law
Other International Organizations
Amnesty International
A global organization of 10+ million people working together to protect and promote human rights.
Arctic Council
An intergovernmental forum for cooperation and interaction among the Arctic States and inhabitants
Cuso International
An organization focused on eradicating poverty and inequality.
Genocide Watch
A site devoted to building an international movement to prevent future genocides
International Institute for Sustainable Development: Gender Equality
Several articles address gender issues in sustainable development decision-making processes.
NGO - Non-governmental organization
Learn what a non-governmental organization is and what role they play internationally.
Organisation internationale de la Francophonie
An organization for countries and regions with a significant population of francophones
Refugees International
Organization focused on refugees, displacement, humanitarian, and human rights issues.
State and Non-State Actors in Global Politics
Overview of who is considered a state or non-state actor in global politics.
World Teach
This organization recruits, prepares and supports effective teachers for the international classroom.
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Self-Determination and Nationalism
Canadian National Identity >>
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