The fourth planet from the sun and the outermost of the terrestrial planets, Mars has long been a popular spot for missions and imagination. Phil walks you through the planet's topography, core, and features.
This study jam is about our solar system, specifically the inner planets, Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars. Check out the slide show and then take the quiz to test yourself.
Launch your students into space exploration with these space-based, hands-on engineering challenges from PBS & NASA. They are designed for grades 4 to 8.
The purpose of this series of 7 lesson activities is to enrich students’ understanding and to gain appreciation of Indigenous Science and Western Science in astronomy.
A 3D adventure through our cosmic neighborhood with NASA and Google. Learn about the planets, moons, and man-made objects that are part of our solar system.
This interactive activity enables a greater understanding of the concept of gravity by examining life without gravity, as well as the role of gravity on other planets.