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Ramadan (Begins Mar 10 2024)
Math & Science
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Ramadan (Begins Mar 10 2024)
This guide contains videos and resources to learn about Ramadan and Eid.
What is Ramadan?
Eid al-Fitr
Math & Science
Staying Healthy
Teaching Resources
Math & Science
Islamic Calendar Facts for Kids
This page explains the difference between the Islamic and Gregorian calendars to kids and lists the 12 Islamic months
Lunar calendar facts for kids
This page explain what a lunar calendar is and how it measures time.
Learn all about the Moon from NASA
National Geographic Kids: Phases of the Moon
An explanation about why the moon seems to change shape each night
Phases of the Moon Explanation for Kids
A 6 minute animated explanation about the phases of the moon.
Phases of the Moon Lesson
A simple science lesson on what causes the phases on the moon for kids in 3rd, 4th and 5th grade!
Understanding the Lunar Calendar
A two minute video that explains how the lunar calendar works.
Eid al-Fitr
Staying Healthy >>
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