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Ocean Science
Ocean Chemistry
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Ocean Science
This guide has learning resources, including interactives, videos and lesson plans, about marine garbage patches and ocean currents.
Environmental Action
Gyres and Currents
Marine Garbage Patches
Ocean Chemistry
Ocean Pollution
Open Access Journals
Teaching Resources
Videos and Interactives
Ocean Chemistry
Changing Ocean Chemistry
Read this article from Oceans and Fisheries Canada to learn how the chemistry of the ocean is changing
National Geographic: Why Is the Ocean Salty?
A video that explains how scientists learned why the ocean is salty. They only learned why in 1979!
Ocean Zones
Learn about the zones of oceans and how they are different from each other.
Ted: What Ocean Microbes Reveal about Changing Climate
When the ocean changes, the planet changes -- and it all starts with microbes. Let's learn more!
What Is Ocean Acidification?
Read this article to learn about acid in the world's oceans and how the level of acid is changing
Why Is the Ocean Salty?
Read this article to learn why there is salt in the ocean and where it comes from.
TED: Can the Ocean Run Out of Oxygen?
Get to know how a healthy marine ecosystem functions, and what creates the lethal conditions that lead to dead zones.
Marine Garbage Patches
Ocean Pollution >>
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