Help Jenny water lovely flowers in her garden. More flowers start to blossom as she sprinkles water onto them. Can you count how many flowers she has in the garden now?
Octopus Ramiro wants to make a birthday present for his friend and thinks that it should be a seashell necklace. Help Ramiro find and add seashells to make a perfect present.
Today we are bird watching! Join Will as he learns how to solve addition word problems while searching for beautiful birds. Word problems tend to be more difficult, but starting early will give students a head start to conquering any word problems.
Put it all together now! Students continue to build on their addition skills as we introduce the plus sign. In this video, we dive deeper into foundational addition by using multiple strategies and scaffolds to represent adding numbers together.
Double the trouble, double the fun. Join us in this mighty video as we learn our doubles facts. Doubles are just an easy way to memorize addition and subtraction facts, such as 5+5 or 7+7.
In this lesson we will work on understanding the meaning of the equal sign, and determine if equations involving addition and subtraction are true or false.
Today you'll learn how to add within 100, including adding a two-digit number and a one-digit number, and adding a two-digit number and a multiple of 10!
Let's help Mia and her friends share their school supplies with each other! In this video we will show you two mighty strategies - counting on and counting back, which will help you so much when adding and subtracting.
In this lesson we will work on understanding the meaning of the equal sign, and determine if equations involving addition and subtraction are true or false.
Double the trouble, double the fun. Join us in this mighty video as we learn our doubles facts. Doubles are just an easy way to memorize addition and subtraction facts, such as 5+5 or 7+7.
Today Latiffa's family is adopting a dog, how exciting! Latiffa is going to learn quickly that new dogs can cause trouble, like chewing on pillows or hiding new toys. Luckily, we can learn all about subtraction with Latiffa's new dog, Spot.
Strategize some subtraction with Chen and Latiffa! At times, subtraction problems can get a little confusing, but this video teaches us all sorts of helpful tools and scaffolds.
In this lesson we will work on understanding the meaning of the equal sign, and determine if equations involving addition and subtraction are true or false.
Destroy the falling target blocks by clicking on adjacent number blocks. Click two or more numbers to match the falling block. Click on Options for different speeds.
Practice your addition skills to 20. Click on the next button to see the question, then choose the right answer. When you are done, you can print our your name in hieroglyphics.
You need to add to 10 to free the whale. Look at the pipe and figure out which pipe (or pipes) you can add to total 10. Add the pipes the one at the top and turn the wheel.
You can choose from addition, subtraction, multiplication or division games. Get 5 math problems correct in a row to take foul shots with the basketball.
This is a race to clear the balls in the line by forming pairs that add up to a certain number (your choice). If you cannot find a pair, fire the number ball close to one with the same number - later you can get double points.
Its gym time, do you have a ball to play with? How about 5 of them? This video teaches us all about adding to 5. Students learn all the different ways to add up to 5 using a five frame. Whether we use 3 plus 2 or 4 plus 1, the five frame always shows 5 in total.
Let's play some dice games with Jenny and help her do work on some addition problems. In this video we will show you some mighty strategy that will help you add faster.