So, where do ideas come from? And what do you do with them once you have them? Anna helps to answer these questions (and more) as we figure out what we need to do to launch our business.
Entrepreneurs do have to wear a lot of hats, but we need to understand where we fall short and where other people or products could help get the job done.
When someone says they’re “studying business” or they “work in business,” they could mean so many different things. So much goes into keeping a company running smoothly.
Imagine if the only videos on YouTube were people looking for love. YouTube really did start as a video-based dating service! The reason they didn’t flop is because they were willing to listen and change their business
We need customers to run a business, and naturally they have expectations. So we need to deliver on those expectations and develop those relationships as our business develops
It can be hard to strike the right tone or know what’s going to appeal to someone, but there are tricks. We can craft a narrative and use well-placed emotional appeals to tell customers a story.
Expenses can pop-up, supplies can suddenly be hard to find, or delivering the most value to customers can involve some expensive choices. Businesses can run out of money -- it happens.
Profit, revenue, income, assets, cash flow -- all these words mean money, but they all have specific uses. In business, money is important to us and we want to describe it as accurately as possible.
Honestly, “spreadsheets” are kind of the vegetables of the business world -- the idea of them makes some people queasy. They can be intimidating, but they’re not impossible to understand.