Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute tracks changes in Alberta's wildlife and their habitats, and provides ongoing, science data on Alberta's living resources.
Over 95% of the species that ever existed on earth have gone extinct. So why should we be concerned about current extinction rates and conserving biodiversity? Find out here!
Rachel Carson investigated into the misuse of chemicals in nature and published her findings in “Silent Spring,” which drew a lot of attention to the problem
Scroll down to access the report's summaries, a video and wildlife photography. The report measures Canada’s ecological performance, particularly the health of wildlife and endangered species.
3 levels of biodiversity: genetic, species, and ecosystem. Try out this interactive to learn more about each of these levels. Teacher resources accompany this video
An in-depth look at the importance of biodiversity, what is being lost as biodiversity loses ground against human activities and what actions we can take to preserve biodiversity.
This site is virtual experience; it uses science-based artwork to show the diminishing biodiversity on Earth. The map shows endangered or extinct species. You will find embedded videos as well.
25% of the world’s land area is owned or occupied by indigenous peoples. But while their tradition knowledge is recognized, it is rarely taken into account by researchers and policymakers.
This is Chapter 6 in a textbook, Biodiversity: Science and Solutions for Australia. It points out that we shouldn't
ignore Indigenous knowledge in helping shape future biodiversity management and research.