Brightly Storyime is a YouTube Channel that was launched in partnership with Penguin Random House. It brings you full-length picture books that are read out loud. Drop by for a new video every week!
Audio or video with text versions of traditional fairy tales translated into French, Spanish, Italian, and German. Parallel text in English is available.
This site is filled with stories to read and activities for early readers. Click on an activity to try or a type of story that you like. You can read or listen to the books and activities.
The GDL collects existing high quality open educational reading resources, and makes them available on the web, mobile, and print. The mission of the Global Book Alliance is to guarantee that children everywhere have the books and learning materials they need to learn to read and read to learn.
Wismo, a friendly little elf, invites children to discover his many adventures based on the tales and legends of Europe, from Antiquity to the present day.
site description for Goodbye Days
This is a fun book with great illustrations about the days of the week and how they pass. There is audio for early readers.
Each of us is special! Read this story, or hear the story by clicking on each word. Try clicking on the illustrations too and watch the animals move or make sounds.
This digital book has images of astronauts on the International Space Station and describes how they sleep, eat and exercise in space. Click on the speaker icon for audio in English.