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Easter (April 7-10)
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Easter (April 7-10)
This guide has teaching resources about Easter, including ideas for art, religion, science and social studies.
Easter Art and Activities
Food Studies
Language Arts
Math and Science
Religious Studies
Social Studies
Videos and Interactives
Social Studies
All About the Holidays: Easter
This animated video from PBS Learning describes the origins and history of Easter celebrations.
Canadian Encyclopedia: Easter in Canada
This article reviews the history of Easter as both a pagan and Christian celebration. There is also a paragraph about how Easter is celebrated in Canada and modern symbols.
Easter Bunny
A short Wikipedia article about the origins of the Easter Bunny and the surprising role the Easter Bunny was said to have in Germany.
History of Easter
A long article from the History Channel that examines the origins of Easter and Easter traditions.
History of the Hunt: How an Easter Tradition Was Hatched
An article that explains the British traditions of the Easter Egg hunt
Topmarks: All about Easter
This UK site has information about Easter traditions and activities, as well as information about each of the Holy Days.
Typical Easter Food around the World
A list of foods eaten traditionally at Easter in countries around the world. Pictures and descriptions are included.
Why Do We Have Easter Eggs and the Easter Bunny?
A kid-friendly article about why we have the tradition of Easter Eggs and the Easter Bunny
Religious Studies
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