Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute tracks changes in Alberta's wildlife and their habitats, and provides ongoing, science data on Alberta's living resources.
A site with amazing photos that includes information for learning about how animals survive on a changing planet and about possible solutions to threatened ecosystems
Over 95% of the species that ever existed on earth have gone extinct. So why should we be concerned about current extinction rates and conserving biodiversity? Find out here!
A free online identification tool, Discover Life also boasts a global species map, over 1 000 000 unique species pages and a daily moth identification test to keep your ID skills sharp.
EOL is a collection of open-access data on biodiversity around the world. It covers both multi-celled organisms like plants, animals and fungi as well as single celled organisms like archaea and protists.
This site explores the extinction of the passenger pigeon in North America -- a species that numbered 5 billion in 1880, and whose last member died in 1914.
An in-depth look at the importance of biodiversity, what is being lost as biodiversity loses ground against human activities and what actions we can take to preserve biodiversity.