Agroforestry is an intensive land management system that integrates the benefits \created when trees or shrubs are intentionally grown with crops or livestock.
This video addresses: compost simplified, compost making for beginners, carbon and nitrogen, carbonaceous materials and nitrogenous materials, leaves, wood chips, compost temperatures, compost turning, and more.
This video shows the world of pollen and pollinators and was inspired by the vanishing of one of nature's primary pollinators, the honeybee. Related Lesson
Soil brings together all four spheres of physical geography, and understanding soil composition is important. Today we'll talk about how the composition of soil varies dramatically with the environment.
This textbook provides an introduction to the core disciplines of soil science, and introduces the concepts and vocabulary needed by students just beginning their soil science journey.
In this week's video we are talking about how going no-till changed my farm and perhaps a little of what to expect and also what gets a little overblown.
In this video: how to start a garden from scratch, how to start a raised bed garden, how to start a no-till garden, gardening without raised beds, farming for beginners, and gardening for beginners
Hank describes the desperate need many organisms have for nutrients (specifically nitrogen and phosphorus) and how they go about getting them via the nitrogen and phosphorus cycles.
Soil temperature plays a central role in controlling important ecosystem processes. This is the first study that investigated whether plant diversity in particular acts as a buffer against fluctuations in soil temperature.
This professional society is made up of soil scientists, educators, and consultants focused on promoting soil science, including enhancing soils topics in schools.
SoilWeb200 provides students with online, interactive, graphical, video and text-based information to assist them in understanding fundamental soil science concepts.
What are nitrogen fixing plants, and why use them over nitrogen fertilizer? This video answers this question through an explanation of the nitrogen cycle.
One of the biggest contributors to soil degradation is the common practice of soil tilling. Fortunately, a growing number of farmers realize the importance of preserving and improving their soil by adopting no-till practices.
An informative article about the practices of regenerative agriculture. It discusses commitments by large multinational companies to integrate regenerative agriculture in their supply chains.