The Junior Forest Rangers (JFR) program is a summer employment opportunity for high school that showcases potential career options in forestry, wildfire, ecology, and more
This documentary examines how the plants and animals in the boreal forest communicate and survive the destructive forces of fire, insects, and human encroachment.
Students measure trees in the community and estimate of the carbon that is stored within these trees. They explore how the amount of carbon stored in trees relates to what is emitted.
5 short case studies with questions about Alberta’s forests: climate change, forest changes, forest careers, forest management and forest economics. Designed for grades 6-12.
These maps will let you explore Alberta geospatial, geomatic and geographic data. This data is brought together in one searchable catalog and can be viewed with an easy to use online mapping tool.
Explore this page about Canada's boreal forests. There are two short videos and teaching resources, as well as maps and descriptions of the many different life forms that inhabit those forests.
This video series for Grades 6 - 12 students that examines forest ecology, the human values of the forest, land-use planning and the people and products of the forestry industry.
A permaculture food forest is a strategy for growing food that focuses on creating a backbone of edible perennials for lasting and low-maintenance harvests. Find out how to create one!
This document explores the ethical harvest considerations and cultural foundations of this work, as well as teaching practices that enhance students’ interaction with the content.
PlantingScience is a free online resource that provides volunteer scientists, resources, and activities to support innovation in teaching, learning, and mentoring.
The PLANTS Database provides standardized information about the vascular plants, mosses, liverworts, hornworts, and lichens of the U.S. and its territories.
The Canada's Forests Teaching Kit Series booklets were published to educate youth about the value of forests and of protecting and conserving them. Scroll down to access all 9 volumes
The Tools of the Trade Forest Education Kit contains 20 forest tools and a 1-page quick reference sheet. This resource kit supports teachers in bringing forest careers to life in the classroom.